Keepin’ it Chill

Hi guys! Thanks for checking out my blog today! I have another rant a-brewing, but I thought I’d give you a break and keep it light for today. So I’ll just say I love you all, and I have posted a new video to The Diecast’s YouTube Channel. Show me some love and check that out. Click on the link below, and don’t forget to like, comment and above all please subscribe! Hope you enjoy. *^_^*


Why Gaming Videos?

I suppose I should start this blog with an entry about what I’ve been doing and why. What I’ve been doing is creating gaming videos. If you haven’t seen a gaming video before, check one out. Whether it’s mine or someone with a bit more YouTube presence than I have, they’re very enjoyable. They are much more than how-to guides and gameplay footage. They can be relaxing, informative, entertaining and funny – often all in a single ten to twenty minute video. I’m absolutely in love with the genre.

As to the why behind my YouTube activities, I won’t lie. While I would love to be able to say that I came up with the idea independently of having seen other YouTubers do it, I can’t. In all honesty, the idea never would have occurred to me had it not been for the numerous hours my husband (Ammortis, also of The Diecast) and I have spent watching the YouTube gamer greats – PewDiePie, Toby Turner, Game Grumps and Steam Train, the Yogscast and Totalbiscuit. I felt inspired by these people who managed to find an outlet for what some might call a childish endeavor. Who doesn’t love video games? And these awesome gamers found a way to make gaming an integral part of their lives. I admire that a lot. I aspire not to duplicate a business model – lord knows I don’t even expect to earn a living wage at this, let alone achieve any level of fame from it – but rather to have a taste of that lifestyle. One of doing whatever makes me happy, even if that thing is playing video games.

Of course, sharing my gameplay with the world in a semi-creative way also has the effect of making me feel like I’m being productive while I play World of Warcraft…
